Birthday and Such

Wow, two posts in two days? This has got to be a new record or something, er well for myself anyways.  So yesterday was my birthday as I mentioned then.  Ended up being a pretty good one.  Started off a little slow due to the fact I had to be responsible and go to work, but afterwards was fun.  Went to dinner with a friend at Proper which was really good.  I had the Meatloaf with Mac and Cheese, and must admit, meatloaf was almost as good as what my mom makes.

After that, ended up just hanging out with my friend until we met up with some friends at Town Tavern for a couple of drinks.  Nothing crazy, because yet again, needed to be responsible.  However, this Saturday, well that might be a different story.  I don’t think anythings going to get out of control but it could be a crazy night.  So far, the plan is to go floating down the river with a big group of people, and then possibly go out that night.  Although, just ending up at a friends house and drinking or whatever could be just as fun.  I just need something to take my mind off of whats been going on.

Yeah, drinking isn’t exactly the best way to deal with the stress, anxiety, or whatever else you may want to call it, I have going on in my life, but it’s my birthday celebration so I’m not worried about it!

Well enough about that and if by some miracle you’re still reading this, thank you for sticking with me.  I promise that isn’t what this blog is supposed to be about, sometimes you just gotta let it all out.  But, with that being said lets just move on.  I’ve taken a few days off from running to let my body recover and heal a little after my race on Thursday.  I think tomorrow is going to be the beginning of my training for a half marathon that’s coming up in September.  Last year I did the same half marathon and did surprisingly well.  I ran it in just over 2 hours, which I was amazed I was able to do.  I really wanted to break 2 hours, so this year I’m sure that i can.

If I plan on accomplishing this goal, I already know that I’m going to have to work harder than I did last year for this race.  This shouldn’t be a problem, but I will admit, I do have a problem with motivation lately.  Somedays, just feels like I just can’t get going.  But, I just need to force myself to do it, and once I get going, I know that i’ll keep at it.

I guess that’s kind of like life.  You have to just get up and keep going.  If you don’t you’ll never achieve your goals, or accomplish anything.

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