Birthday Celebration Weekend

Sorry for no updates last couple of days. Its just been extremely busy at work and outside of it. But I finally made it to the weekend and even though its technically not over yet, its been one of the best that ive had in a while.

To start off with I got a half day off at work which allowed me to go see the new batman movie. Which by the way you must go and see. If you don’t there must be something wrong with you.  After that nice little cookout at a friends house. Nothing huge or fancy but nice and chill which iis what I was going for. I know this doesn’t sound all that exciting, but trust me it was highly entertaining.  My friend Meredith and I ended up going to a friends house afterwords and made something called pudding shots.  Oh my, words fail to describe the awesomeness that are pudding shots. Basically its chocolate pudding with chocolate whipped cream mixed in and I swear to you it takes just like a Wendy’s Frosty!

So then it was toke to head on back to the house and pass out for the night. The next day was going to be full of entertaining moments.

Started the day off with my new favorite hiking trail Rough Ridge.  Its not a very long hike or difficult, but the view when you get to the end of the trail is unlike anything you have ever seen. I do have picutres but at the moment are unable to post them on here, so sorry about that.  This was just the beginning of the fun that would ensue on Saturday.

The next adventure involved tubing and beverages. Two great choices. Trust me I know. So we went tubing and by the end of it most of us were all fine, but one of our friends that went, yeah she was a little drunk. Not annoying or stupid drunk but funny drunk.  We get in the van to head back to the cars and our friend who usually wouldnt be this outgoing was basically putting the moves on the driver…and it wasn’t embarrassing or sad haha. She was rather smooth in all honesty! But the real humor in the day was when we found out the people who dropped us off at the entrance to the river were the wring company. Yep that’s right we ended up in a big van with a complete and total stranger. Granted nothing bad happened or would have in this situation but still the fact we are all grown ups who all our lives were told never to do something like that and at our age just did? Its funny yet a little creppy. Maybe we aren’t quite ready to be adults yet.

Well the end of the night we went to portofinos and just hung out there. A good time as always. Good friends, good beverages always make for a good time.  This weekend was exactly what I needed. Just a couple of days to just get away from it all and clear my head for a while. As you’ve read before life’s been a little tough lately, nothing I cant handle but still its been tough and times like this weekend with people you care about can do wonders for the soul.

I do realize though that next weekend someone I consider myself very close to is moving down the mountain. Ok so its not exactly far away from here but still its going to be a little different not having her here with me. Yeah ill be fine just tough to see someone move away. 

Anyways tomorrow I start running again after my little break from running the bear. I really hope to do a 5k soon but really am working towards that half marathon goal.  It really does help the soul to go for a run sometimes. There are those days where I don’t see an escape or things getting better, but go for a run, and at least for a little while things don’t seem as bad. I’m trying to see my life right now as one giant advanture and character building exercise.  Sadly I haven’t done a great job on the character side of all this but I’m getting better at it. Things like this take time and its not going to just magically change overnight but as long as I trycand hang in there, eventually it will pay off.

Ok well as a reminder this blog is not a pitty party or meant to be depressing, hurt anyones feelings or whst not. Its me just saying what I may have a hard time saying and to just let it all out and hopefully grow and learn more about myself. Its still a work in progress but hey this blog will work itself out as time goes on.

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