Quick Update

OK, so this is just going to be a fairly quick post, as compared to the others that I have made. I’m just trying to get into the habit of posting to my blog 2 to 3 times per week.

So an update from my last blog. Feeling better, not sure why, just am. Not 100 % but hey I’ll take any improvement that I can get. I’m going to credit my starting to run again with that. 3 days in a row this week so far, and I plan on going again Thursday and Friday if the weather holds up. It really does help to soothe the soul and clear the head to just get out there and run. For that 30 minutes to an hour that I’m out there, nothing else exists, except for me and the music. Nothing else. Which brings me to what I wanted to talk about in today’s post.

Music. Those days when I can’t get outside and run, I’ve found that music can help me through any situation. Ok, so there are those songs that I’ll listen to and damn near bring me to tears. I can’t help it, a good song with well written lyrics just speaks to me

On the other hand, there are those songs that just make me realize that things are going to be fine with everything that’s going on. Example; Allman Brothers “Midnight Rider,” yes, it may have not a thing to do with what’s happening right now, but just the tune of the song alone just relaxes me and I just see myself driving along the beach on a cool summers day. No worries, no troubles, just freedom. That’s what I picture whenever I hear that song. Freedom from everything. I put that song on repeat on the way home from my run this evening, and by the time I was home, I was in a pretty good place. I wasn’t really in a bad place I guess but it just eased my nerves a little.

This whole analyzing a song might be something I try to add to the blog. Just another dimension to what this is going to be all about. Its another way to cope with anxiety and stress and all that fun stuff. Overall, long day, little stressed, but not bad. This is something I will try to do every time, just end with a positive message, quote or something that I find. Who knows, it may help any of you who may be reading this. I forget where it came from nbut here’s today’s quote…..”You can do anything, as long as you don’t give up on yourself.”

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